Friday 15 July 2016

Writing - Why Become A (An Author) Writer?

Writing - Why Become A (An Author) Writer?

Reasons Why To Become A Writer?
Because I Met An Author
Childhood Dream
To Be Known As An Aspiring Local Author In The Library System
To Get Revenge
To Improve Upon Writing 
To See My Writing In Book Stores And Libraries

Friday 24 June 2016


Revenge Is Becoming A Singer And Song Writer
Revenge Is Writing A Novel

I Wish

I Wish
I wish people wouldn’t fucking think of me as a care giver
I wish people wouldn’t fucking tell me to get a job as a care giver
I wish people wouldn’t fucking associate care giving as my field 

I Wish

I Wish
I wish people wouldn’t fucking think of me as a care giver
I wish people wouldn’t fucking tell me to get a job as a care giver
I wish people wouldn’t fucking associate care giving as my field 

I Wish

I Wish
I wish people wouldn’t fucking think of me as a care giver
I wish people wouldn’t fucking tell me to get a job as a care giver
I wish people wouldn’t fucking associate care giving as my field 


I have made the decision that I need to take a long break from communication with my parents as I find them to be too annoying and I am livid with them. Right now I just want to tell them to Fucking Screw Off! 

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Tuesday April 19, 2016

Good Morning All. I hope you are all doing well today on this fantastic beautiful day. I was unable to go to the gym yesterday which depressed me out. But I did get out for some exercise by going for a walk for an hour and a half and having fun as a photographer taking nature photos and yarn bombing photos with my camera. Today I am going to look at a few more stores for dresses. If I don’t like what I see I am going back to the store that has the dress on hold I was interested in yesterday and get it. Okay well that is all to blog for now.