Thursday 26 November 2015

The Cat That Thought She Could Play The Piano

Kelly the kitten was a famous feline kitten although she did not realize that she was considered famous. Why? do you ask well she knew how to play songs on the piano. This is the story of how Kelly became a famous kitten. She use to be a normal little kitten waiting at the SPCA to be adopted by a loving family and then one day she was adopted by a loving family. The family took her home. They had a small piano on the floor and what did they do they began to lay treats on the piano so Kelly would go to the piano and eat the treats. They kept this up until Kelly would go over to the piano without the prompt of treats. She soon was racing back and forth on the piano. They recorder her every time she was on the piano and sent the recordings out to radio stations and tv stations. People liked what they heard and saw. Soon Kelly the kitten and her family were famous and Kelly was doing performances for many people around the world on the piano.


The End

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