Wednesday 18 March 2015

Living In A Time Warp

Living in a Time Warp

Each day that comes is like Groundhog Day.

I’m not getting anywhere in life.

At this moment in time I feel as if everyone is against me

I even hate where I live and feel as if the place I live and the people in it are no good.

I’m living in a time warp and I don’t like it


I too have dreams, goals, hopes and wishes for myself

I want to accomplish things, achieve things and make the world a better place

But I can’t for I’m living in a time warp and I feel stuck.


There are times when I am negative, and there are times when I am rude, for things have happened in my life which I regret.

There are times when I hurt other peoples feeling, there are times when I get mad at other people for I hate some of the stuff that has happened in my life and I get frustrated and angry.

I’m living in a time warp which I can’t seem to get out of


I wish people would see things from my point of view

I wish people would put themselves in my shoes if only for just one minute of their lives

I wish I could have taken back some of the choices that I have made up to this point in my life.


I’m living in a time warp,

I’m living in a time warp

I’m living in a time warp and I really don’t like it

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