Saturday 27 February 2016

Saturday February 27, 2016 Blog Post

Saturday February 27, 2016

Enchanted Arts And Crafts Blog Post

Good Morning All. Today at the gym there is Conditioning and Boxing Classes. I don’t think I will make it for Conditioning Class at 11:00am but my goal is to make it to Boxing Class for 12:00pm today.
Okay so I have a habit of saying “I Can’t” and my coach gets pissed off at me when I say “I Can’t” so I have to stop saying “I Can’t” otherwise my coach is going to force me to do push-ups every time I say “I Can’t”. Also I have to wear my mouth guard otherwise I won't be able to Spar. I hate my mouth guard.  

I am still looking for housing and a job. As soon as I get a job I will open up an account and put in money for a car. Because I am not going to get the jobs I want without a car.
Okay what else can I write? Well my practicum to become an Education Assistant has been extended until April. I have to start adapting work for kids, modifying work for kids and using teaching strategies I learned in my college program. I was thinking it might help to write down everything I have to do onto cue cards. I also plan on writing my practicum journals over the weekends and not waiting until Monday evenings to write my practicum journals.
Another thing I have to do is complete my first fitness training course to become a personal fitness trainer.
I am also looking into becoming a Boxing Referee and also a Field Hockey Coach.
Also I am typing up my goals again. As I have a lot of goals I want to complete. Okay that is all I want to blog about for now. I might add more later.

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