Sunday 10 April 2016

Sunday April 10, 2016

Good Afternoon All. This morning when I started to deliver newspapers I came across this young man who look about high-school age, college or university age. He had a beer in his hand and he gave me a very creepy and uneasy feeling. He was wandering over to cars on the side of the street and he kept on glancing back at me. I have a feeling that he was drunk. I delivered papers on my street and then went back indoors and stayed indoors for another ten minutes before heading back out to deliver papers. I didn’t encounter this young man again which I was thankful about. I have no doubt in my mind that I could have been a victim of rape this morning. That is my scary part of the day.

When I got home I made hot chocolate. I watched a documentary about the Syria Education System. Then I unfortunately fell asleep which I did not plan on doing and did not want to do. I had plans to go to a church service this morning but those plans were ruined.

Before I go out I want to do ten sit-ups and ten push-ups. I also want to start doing yoga daily. I am now going to go and make and enjoy some lemon ginger tea before heading out. My plan is to go to Starbucks and enjoy being in Starbucks while I send out job applications through my computer. Then I will go to church tonight.

Today I also want to write a poem or a song to post on my poem hunter page.

Okay well that is all to write for now. I might write more later. I hope you all enjoy your day and work hard for hard work is important.

Change The World

Change the world for you will feel better

Change the world for you will be doing good

Change the world for you will make a difference

Just go and change the world and don’t think twice

I tell you will all my heart to go and change the world

Go just go and change the world for changing the world will help you grow

Just go, just go and change the world and don’t think twice

Changing the world

It is a good fight
So go just go and change the world and don’t think twice

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