Friday 1 April 2016

How To Be Christ Like

A Blog Post On How You Can Be Christ Like In Your Life.


Be Christ Like By Always Striving To Improve Yourself
Be Christ Like By Being An Inspiration - Be Like Those Who Inspire You
Be Christ Like By Being Caring
Be Christ Like By Being Faithful - Pray Daily, Read Your Bible Daily, Study Scriptures Daily
Be Christ Like By Being Honest
Be Christ Like By Keeping Your Promises To Yourself And Others
Be Christ Like By Being Kind
Be Christ Like By Making A Difference In The World
Be Christ Like By Being Loving - Love Your Neighbors And Those Around You As You Love Yourself.
Be Christ Like By Being Nice
Be Christ Like By Being Open Minded
Be Christ Like By Being Polite - Say Please, Say Thank You, Smile, Use Your Manners
Be Christ Like By Being Respectful
Be Christ Like By Being Responsible
Be Christ Like By Being The Best You Can Be
Be Christ Like By Being Trustworthy
Be Christ Like By Volunteering In The Community - Volunteer At The Homeless Shelter, Volunteer At The Soup Kitchen, Volunteer For Meals On Wheels

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