Tuesday 5 April 2016

Tuedsday April 5, 2016

Good Afternoon All,

I hope you are all well. This morning I delivered newspapers and drank coffee and finished off the Earl Grey Tea I have. I am feeling frustrated about the job hunt and apartment hunt. That's all for now. I had better go to the gym now and work off my frustrations and anger. I also get upset when people ask me why I talk from only one side of my face. I have to be like I don't fricking know. I probably only talk from one side of my face because I had  a stroke before I was born but people shouldn't ask and should flipping mind their own business. And then the Mormons ask if I have read the book of Mormon recently. And I am like God NO. I have to find a job and an apartment. All for now. I have to finish drinking new coffee and then get out of the house. Okay so I went to conditioning and boxing classes at the gym. Now I am back at my place feeling stressed out and ill and depressed.

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