Sunday 17 April 2016

Sunday April 17, 2016

Yesterday I delivered newspapers and then I went to the gym for two hours. Conditioning Class was difficult but great. Boxing class was amazing. I finally have my first fitness goal to work towards. My goal right now is to gain upper body strength. After the gym I went dress hunting. I checked out a dress shop and also some stores in one of the malls and also a Salvation Army but nothing seemed appropriate to wear as a Bridesmaid dress for my friend’s wedding which is next month.

Today unfortunately I have to rest because the gym is closed but at least I was able to go out and deliver newspapers this morning. I am still busy cleaning. I was missing some tennis balls but finally found them yesterday. Tonight my goal is to go to church. I might go dress hunting today. I want to check out Sears, Mayfair Mall and a dress-shop called “Blush”.

I also want to take my camera downtown and act like a photographer. I also have to send out job applications and look for an apartment. Finally the other thing is that I want to have no contact with my parents for the next two weeks. We will see how long that will last for.

I like “The Chainsmokers” new song called “Don’t Let Me Down”. I find the song to be very powerful and it speaks to me at this time in my life.

In the song the words that speak to me are “I Need You Right Now”.  What I need from all the people in my life are for them to be supportive of my choices. I don’t want them to tell me that things will be okay. I just want them to be supportive of my choices. I have a choice to stay living in Victoria or move back to Vancouver and I am choosing not to move back to Vancouver.

Also my wrist is feeling amazing. I feel that the Tendonitis is gone. I want to attempt to do some knitting in two weeks. I might wrap my wrists up while I knit. But I want to attempt to work on knitting two sweaters. I also want to get rid of a bunch of yarn, knitting needles and crochet hooks. I only want to keep the needles and crochet hooks for my favorite patterns.

Okay that is all to write for now. I might write more later.

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