Tuesday 15 March 2016

Don't Treat People Like Garbage

Don’t Treat People Like Garbage
When people treat you like garbage it makes you not want to hang out with those people anymore.
It makes you feel less then you are. It makes you feel low and unworthy. It takes away your confidence.
So Please Don’t Treat People Like Garbage.
I have a confession to make. I was treated like garbage. I was treated like a trash can. Problems of others were dumped onto me. All of this was done by one individual.
But the thing is I am not a trash can. I am not a dumping ground. I am a human being who wants to be treated with respect and not disrespect.
I am tired of other people’s problems being dumped on to me. I am tired of being treated like a trash can and a dumping ground.
And it’s not something I am going to put up with anymore. I was breathing underwater but slowly and surely with time and healing I am pulling myself above water.

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