Sunday 27 March 2016

Sunday March 27, 2016: Easter Sunday

Sunday March 27, 2016: Easter Sunday

Good Afternoon All. First of all I want to say Happy Easter. I hope you are all well and enjoying your Easter Sunday. This morning I delivered newspapers. I drank a cup of coffee and had a cup of Earl Grey Tea. One thing I am considering doing is not drinking coffee and tea for a year to see how I feel. Maybe my body will feel better. I want to get back into drinking juice. I believe I started drinking coffee and tea in either 2008 or maybe 2010. The thing is I don’t want to be addicted to caffeine. I am noticing that I am not enjoying Earl Grey Tea and Indian Chai Tea as much as I used to. I want to be able to enjoy Earl Grey Tea and Indian Chai Tea and only have the tea once in a while now as a treat. I also want to enjoy coffee as a treat once in a blue moon. One thing I dislike about coffee and tea is that it makes you want to use the bathroom too much. Another thing I dislike about tea is that the packaging is not environmentally friendly. Every tea bag comes wrapped up in paper. And in each box of tea you only get like 20 tea bags. Okay enough about coffee and tea. I also watched some motivational videos today and listened to some music. I also created some pen drawings to mail to my great aunt and I wrote down song lyric ideas. I am heading out later on today just to enjoy the outdoors. I am also apartment hunting and job hunting. Yesterday I was talking to one of my Boxing teammates and he doesn’t think I am ready to be in a Boxing Fight. I agree with him that I am not ready to be in a Boxing Fight but I hope one day in the near future I will be ready. I have a longing to fight in the ring. I was asking him what I could do to improve and he told me to go for runs every day so I will start running daily. All right that is all I have to say for now.

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