Sunday 20 March 2016

Sunday March 20, 2016

Good Morning All. Today is the first day of spring so I want to wish you all a Happy Spring.

This morning as I was delivering newspapers I picked up at least 10 beer cans or more which I will now take to the recycle depot. At the recycle depot I will receive money for dropping off the beer cans.

It was trying to rain this morning while I was delivering the newspapers but luckily the rain stayed away.

Okay so after I got home I drank ice tea and had some hot chocolate and then slept for a while only waking up close to 12:00pm.

I just made some Blossom Green Tea. I am going to drink the tea, do some cleaning and then head out. My plan is to go to Starbucks and chill out at Starbucks while applying for jobs and searching for apartments. Tonight I will try to make it to Glad Tidings Church. I will write more later.

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