Friday 4 March 2016

Friday March 4, 2016

Friday March 4, 2016

Good Morning All. I finished my paper route today a little past 6:30amwhich was annoying. I wanted to be finished around 6:20am instead. But oh well. I have muscle calf pain today in my right calf behind the knee. I think it is from not drinking enough water yesterday. I made my lunch for today which consists of one and a half peanut-butter and jam sandwiches. At lunch I will also drink Jasmine Blossom Green Tea which is disgusting but I don’t want to get  rid of the tea because I did buy it. Tonight I am hoping to make it to the gym for Boxing. If my leg is really bothering me I think I will just run on the treadmill at the gym but I hope my leg does not bother me too much. I have been looking at some sweater patterns I would love to knit when I get back into knitting. I will post the photos for you all to see.
I made this sweater before using red yarn. I plan on knitting this same sweater with purple yarn. I also plan on making this same sweater with blue yarn. I also have a goal to knit this sweater in black and yellow. Unfortunately I don't have the purple yarn or blue yarn with me. I left the yarn at my parents house when I went to visit them last time as I have tendonitis and am trying to take a break from knitting.
Here I am wearing the red sweater that I knitted.

Here I am wearing the red sweater that I knitted.

Here I am wearing the red sweater that I knitted.

Here I am wearing the red sweater that I knitted.

Here I am wearing the red sweater that I knitted.

Here I am wearing the red sweater that I knitted.

Here I am wearing the red sweater that I knitted.
 I really want to knit this lovely hooded sweater.

I really want to knit this lovely hooded sweater
I really want to knit this beautiful cabled sweater.
Okay well that is all I want to write for now. I am hoping to add more to my blog later. But now I have to drink coffee. Then I have to get dressed, grab my bags and then head out. And I have to apply for jobs today and look for apartments. Okay so here is an update. I decided to take a break from the gym tonight. Okay that is all to write.

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