Monday 7 March 2016

Wasting Your Life

Wasting Your Life

What Wasting My Life Looks Like To Me?
·         Being Distracted
·         Being Lazy
·         Being Negative
·         Being A Victim
·         Having To Be On The Computer At A Certain Time To Talk To Someone For Hours On End
·         Having To Respond To Emails Every Time I Am Sent An Email
·         Not Keeping My Eye On The Goal
·         Not Keeping My Eye On The Big Picture
·         Spending Time With An Energy Drainer
·         Spending Time With Someone Who Brings You Down
·         Spending Time With Someone Who Discourages You
·         Spending Time With Someone Who Drains Your Life
·         Taking Life For Granted
·         Watching Movies I Don’t Want To Watch
·         Watching Someone Play Video Games
·         Watching Television I Don’t Want To Watch



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