Thursday 10 March 2016

Thursday March 10, 2016

Thursday March 10, 2016


Good Afternoon All. I hope you are all well and enjoying your day. Today was my final day at practicum in training to be an Education Assistant. On my final day of practicum I walked to m practicum and saw a rainbow. You don’t see rainbows very often so seeing a rainbow in the sky was a treat for me. I don’t know if it was the religious part coming out of me but I took seeing the rainbow as a sign from God that I have made the right decision to withdraw from my practicum course at this time in my life. I also felt that the rain falling down were tears from God falling down from the sky. I made the decision to withdraw from my practicum class because I didn’t feel as if I was making any progress at practicum. I felt ill all day. My stomach has been bothering me and so has my head. My insides are hurting, I am feeling crappy and I feel like crying and letting tears fall down my face. I am positive I am just feeling ill as not completing practicum is devastating to me. On the bright side I know that I have to grow up and stop fooling around with more schooling. I need to get my career started and find a new apartment. Well I have to finish drinking my coffee and then I am heading to the gym, Tonight is Boxing Class and then Kickboxing Class. I almost feel like only taking part in Kickboxing Class Tonight and not Boxing Class but I have not decided yet. Okay so I am missing Boxing Class Tonight. I just can’t force myself go to Boxing Class and pretend that everything is okay. But I will force myself to go to Kickboxing Class. One thing that is annoying right now is that I can’t seem to get the upper cuts to become second nature as of yet. I’ve been Boxing for a year and upper cuts are still difficult for me. Well I am going to have to change that and work on becoming a pro at upper cuts.  Okay well I made it to Kickboxing class and I also took part in Systema Class. I do wish I had taken part in Boxing class. Also I ran on the treadmill for 7 minutes today. This evening at the gym my knee felt good.

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