Tuesday 1 March 2016

Tuesday March 1st, 2016

Tuesday March 1st, 2016
Enchanted Arts And Crafts Blog Post

Good Morning All. I hope you are all having a fantastic start to your day. I delivered newspapers on a wet rainy day. I also made a lunch of peanut butter and jam sandwiches. I love peanut butter and jam. I just ate oatmeal and am now drinking a cup of coffee before heading out to practicum. Today I also have to search for apartments and jobs, go work out at the gym and work on my fitness course. Anyways I wanted to share with you what is special about the month of March.

The Month Of March Is:

  • Irish American Month
  • Music in Our Schools Month
  • National Craft Month
  • National Frozen Food Month
  • National Irish American Heritage Month- designated by Congress in 1995.
  • National Nutrition Month
  • National Peanut Month
  • National Women's History Month
  • Red Cross Month
  • Social Workers Month

March 1st is:

(Will Give You Ideas On What To Do For National Pig Day And Peanut Butter Lovers Day later today)

National Pig Day and also Peanut Butter Lovers Day
National Pig Day
March 1st
Activities To Do On National Pig Day
1.   Create A Poster About Pigs
2.   Create A Power-Point On Pigs
3.   Draw A Pig
4.   List Ten Facts About Pigs
5.   Watch A Documentary On Pigs
6.   Write A Pig Essay
7.   Write A Pig Poem
8.   Write A Pig Song
9.   Write A Pig Story

Peanut Butter Lovers Day
March 1st
Activities To Do On Peanut Butter Lovers Day:

Bake Peanut Butter Cookies

Eat A Peanut Butter And Jam Sandwich

Write A Peanut Butter Poem

Write A Peanut Butter Song

Write A Peanut Butter Story

Good Afternoon All. I was feeling unwell today so did not go to practicum. I was getting a major headache which I don’t usually get. I began working on a short story today about a mystery beneath the stairs. I am looking forward to seeing how the story turns out. Now though I am feeling better. Still feeling stressed out about not having an apartment or a job yet. Right now I feel like all of the answers seem so far away which are lyrics from a song called Just Be Held by Casting Crowns. Right now the only good thing in my life is Boxing and Kickboxing at the gym. Recently I have also just felt like breaking down into tears a lot of the time. There are times when I feel as if I am in a lot of pain from being Emotionally and Verbally Abused. I have just begun to write out my story of Emotional And Verbal Abuse but it is not something I am ready to share with others at this time yet. Maybe one day I will be speaking at events to stop Emotional And Verbal Abuse. Abuse is something no person should ever have to go through. Also why is it that talking to my parents right now, especially talking to my mother causes me to feel pissed off and annoyed. I don’t want to feel angry at my mother but right now these days I am pissed off at her and don’t want to have anything to do with her. Okay so I went to boxing and kickboxing tonight. Coach got pissed off me for saying I cant again. I also watched the Systema class. Afterwards I had a free coffee at McDonalds. Okay that is all to blog about for today.

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