Saturday 5 March 2016

Saturday March 5, 2016

Saturday March 5, 2016

Good Afternoon All. I was up at 12:30 in the morning. I couldn’t slee so checked my Facebook and noticed that my “Ex Guy Friend” sent me a friend request. I became so upset and was crying. I don’t want anything to do with my “Ex Guy Friend”. He has done nothing but cause me pain. He does not have the right to contact and me and he has lost any rights to being in my life. Okay on to good news. I delivered the newspapers this morning. I also washed my hair. So today I was planning on taking part in Conditioning Class and Boxing Class at the gym but ended up only taking part in Boxing class. I wanted to run on the Treadmill earlier but didn’t get a chance. I might run on the treadmill on Monday. Now I am at home listening to music. I plan on going to McDonalds later and grabbing a “Double Double Coffee”.
Okay So Here is what’s Special about Today. Today Is Multiple Personality Day.

Okay well that is all I wish to write for now. I might write more later on today. Here is an update. I am defrosting Chicken Breasts. I am also drinking a cup of Indian Chai Tea. After I am finished my tea I am going to either or take the bus or walk to McDonalds to grab a “Double Double Coffee”. Then when I get home I will finish making dinner.

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